So You're Going to Tony Robbins

events Jun 12, 2019

So this post could only start one way… FUCK. YES. I’m proud of you. Tony’s events have changed my life, and I don’t say that lightly. But I do say it matter-o-factly.

When I walked into Unleash the Power Within in November 2016 I had absolutely no idea what I was walking into, and not knowing was the best thing I did for myself.

This post isn’t about giving you the secrets into what goes on at events, because that magic is worth experiencing for yourself. This post IS about sharing some things that helped me get the most out of my experience and perhaps quell some of the anxiety you may be harboring right now.

Ready? Ok. Let’s go.


This one is a quote from the big guy himself. Do you have expectations about what the event will be like? What skills and strategies you’ll learn? The kinds of people you’ll meet? The specific way you want to transform? What you’ll walk away with?

I get it. This is an investment in yourself. When you drop that kind of dough, expectations of the return of that investment pile up rapidly, but what I’d like to ask you to do… is trust. The experience will be exactly what you need it to be… if you let it. So rather than googling feverishly (Is that how you stumbled upon this little post?), just breathe, cutie pie, and begin appreciating the impending breakthroughs right the fuck now. It’s coming, and it’s freaking beautiful.


What a weird thing to say, right?! I said this to my Mom before her first event, and she responded, “Huh?” So, said differently, don’t hold back. Lead with your curiosity rather than criticism. Let go of your self-judgment and get silly. Ask yourself just how much you can let loose and play! What do you have to lose if you do?

On the flip side, what’s it going to cost you if you bottle it up? I’m betting you’re ‘going to Tony’ because there’s some kind of flame inside of you – whether a flicker or a bonfire – that’s burning brightly. You’re (not so) secretly hell bent on building yourself into the person of your dreams. What would s/he do? All you need is inside of you. You already are that person, so just fucking go for it already. #playfullout


Ah Gahd. This one is seriously a touchy subject. Should I sit with the family + friends I came with? Here’s my two cents, but trust your gut.

You’re doing the thing because you want to grow. In order to grow you have to step out of your comfort zone. While the event (in general) is probably outside your comfort zone, it’s a lot easier to keep repeating those thought patterns you WANT to disrupt if you’re close to your people.

So, IMO, do yourself and them a favor. Find a spot to sit in the next section over.


If I had known what the crew and staff were doing during my participant experience at UPW, I would have felt way more certain of the sacred safe space that is our community. I’m glad I didn’t know at the time, because it turned my first crewing experience into just mind-blowing transformation. #icanteventellyou

So rather than telling you about how we’ve got you, I’m just going to say this. We’ve got you. Trust me. 



Please please please please please please please hydrate. Bring a water bottle. Fill it up all the damn time. Infuse that water with some mint and lemon for an extra alkaline zip. Yeah, you’ll have to pee a lot, but you’d rather pee a lot than get a dehydration headache.


Before you get to the event, get a hella good night’s sleep.

Each night during the event sleep as much as possible. I always share accommodations with friends at events, and damn is it easy to stay up together. The nights are long at the event; sometimes lasting until 2am! You get home pumped and high on energy, but you really feel it when you wake up after 4 hours of sleep the next morning.

Give that gorgeous body some respect and let it rest and rejuvenate.


We’re on Tony time and at Tony temp. Tony temp is cold. Like real fucking cold. I typically wear… leggings, pants, a camisole, t-shirt, long-sleeve, sweater, two pairs of socks… and gloves. I’ll often be seen with hot tea in hand as well. 🙂 Be aware that I run cold, so I’m a bit of an extreme case.  Either way, layers are key as you get hot as you’re moving and cold as you’re sitting.


If you really want to feel awesome then I recommend these supplements. I take them at events just to give my body some assistance because spending a day at Tony has very different output of energy than that of my day-to-day life. You can get these at Whole Foods, but I’ll put the Amazon links here! I usually don’t use all 3 of these at once, by the way. If you’re new to holistic supplements, just choose one and back it up with amazing nutrition.

Wellness Formula

B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula

Colloidal Silver


Most people head to the venue assuming that they’ll grab food at the event (read : hot dogs, popcorn, soda). Sometimes there’s no way around this (dependent on the venue policy).

If you have the option to bring in food, or covertly sneak it into your purse, you should absolutely do it. Staying healthy to keep that energy up is everything, and you know what, you deserve that. Give your bod a chance to operate at full capacity!

I bring in a small lunchbox with an icepack and pre-made meals. I’m currently eating Trifecta Nutrition’s vegan plan. I’ll also bring snacks that are on this quick reference sheet!


As always, I’m here for you in whatever way you need me. Write a comment below. Send me an email. I got choo, boo.

I’ll be these Tony events this year : UPW Dallas, UPW Miami, Leadership Academy, Business Mastery and Date with Destiny in West Palm Beach.

Drop me a comment if I’ll see you at any of these!

Mad love,



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