What makes a mastermind OUTSTANDING? (not just good)

mastermind challenge Jun 13, 2019

What puts a mastermind over the top?

There are things that pose as masterminds (FB Groups, One-Day Events, Speaker Series, etc). Then are are good masterminds. Last there are OUTSTANDING masterminds. Here are the three things that put a mastermind over the top in awesomeness!

1. LIVE events

  • There is nothing wrong with virtual. It's convenient. It's international. It's rad to have that depth and array of perspective.
  • But there's also nothing like connecting with someone live and in person! Looking into someone's eyes and having a conversation can't be replaced.
  • A mastermind that offers live events to connect in person put them over the top! There's so many options. Seminars. Retreats. One-Day Workshops

2. Accountability outside of the calls

  • WHO'S the accountability between calls?
  •  A facilitator? A buddy? A group chat? 
  • If you have weekly call on Tuesday, who's going to keep your momentum up throughout the week? When this is designed into a mastermind, it takes it to the next-level!
  • At The Alliance we curate buddy relationships based on your personality type, our intuitive guidance, and how often you'd like to meet with your buddy! Buddies meet in between calls to check in. Some chat daily via text. Some have one call a week. It's whatever you need to create a high level of accountability! 

3. Connection outside of calls

  • Tapping into the network that is a mastermind outside of the 8-10 people in your pod!
  • For example, in starting and growing The Alliance, I had access to every person I could need : a legal advisor, a social media guru, an assistant, a facilitator, and more!
  • Having a small group (8-10) is the heart of mastermind, but connecting with others in the Mastermind at large is hugely beneficial! 
  • We create calls for everyone to network! We connect people one-on-one who we think could be of mutual benefit! We are in process of creating a directory for everyone to share their missions and businesses with one another!

The Alliance definitely falls into the category of OUTSTANDING. If you fall into that category too, then we should have a chat!

Click here to book a call with Jas!


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